Benefits of Going Green

Renewable Energy is the Future

Solar energy is not only profitable, but it also helps the environment and promotes energy independence. Choosing renewable energy is a responsible and smart decision for a sustainable future. Let's explore why embracing green energy is the right choice.

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It's the Best Fuel Source

Solar energy is a renewable and clean source of fuel that is not limited by political borders and is not affected by inflation. Although there is some carbon emissions during the production of solar panels, this is usually balanced out within two years of using them. Solar energy is a good way to complement Washington's hydro-energy, which has high maintenance expenses and negative impacts on fish populations. Additionally, solar energy and hydro-energy work well together. When the sun sets, hydro-energy can be quickly increased to make up for the lack of solar energy.

Become a Green Leader

Solar power is contagious. Research shows that with a ten percent increase in solar installations in a zip code, there will be a 54 percent increase in your neighbors going solar. In addition, we have a referral incentive for each friend or neighbor you refer that buys a solar energy system from Forecast Solar.

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Long Life Spans

Almost all systems and equipment are under warranty for 25 years or more and are proven to last much longer. There are no moving parts to break down. They require little maintenance and can be installed quickly. We also offer a 10-year workmanship warranty including electrical.

Solar Reduces Water Pollution

While saving water doesn’t immediately jump to mind when thinking of solar, it’s one of the best environmental benefits. Coal-fired facilities require massive amounts of water for cooling. Solar needs only the sun.

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Your Legacy

Solar is an investment into the planet. Into what your children will inherit. Into what the next generation sees as the norm. Into energy independence. Into your legacy.